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City Girl Cooks


Image by Leighann Blackwood
CGC logos gold fork knife.jpeg



  • 1.5 cups flour

  • 3.5 tsp Clabber Girl baking powder

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 tbsp white sugar

  • 1.25 cups of milk

  • 1 egg

  • 3 tbsp butter, melted


Sift together the first four dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Whisk in milk, egg, and melted butter until mixture is smooth. 


The batter should be smooth enough to ladle onto a well-buttered skillet or cast iron pan. If mixture is too heavy, add a splash of milk and stir until you reach the desired consistancy.


Heat pan or skillet to medium heat and add butter. When butter is sizzling but not separated, add 1/4 - 1/2 cups at a time of batter onto pan, always pouring into the center to get a perfect round. 


When bubbles begin to appear on the top, turn pancakes with a spatula to finish cooking, about another 2-4 minutes. When pancakes reach a golden brown, remove from heat and stack, adding another batch to the pan.


Serve with your choice of maple syrup, melted jam, apple compote, nutella, or anything else you like.


Makes 6-8 pancakes.

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